Table of MonsterInsigts Events

Event TypeEvent CategoryEvent ActionEvent LabelEvent Value
Download file link clickdownloadsURL of fileThe label of the href attribute, either link title or text contentn/a
Outbound link clickoutbound-linkURL of linkThe label of the href attribute, either link title or text contentn/a
Form ImpressionformimpressionForm ID1
Form submissionformconversionForm ID1
Affiliate link clickoutbound-link-affURL of linkThe label of the href attribute, either link title or text contentn/a
Telephone number link clicktelURL of number, i.e., tel:1-222-333-4445The label of the href attribute, either link title or text contentn/a
Email link clickmailtoURL of mailto link, i.e., label of the href attribute, either link title or text contentn/a

eCommerce Events Table

Event TypeEvent CategoryEvent ActionEvent LabelEvent Value
Product ImpressionProductsImpressionImpressionn/a
ProductsProductsViewed ProductProduct Titlen/a
ProductsProductsClickProduct Titlen/a
ProductsProductsRemove From CartProduct Title1
ProductsProductsAdd to CartProduct Title1
Checkout Page ImpressionCheckoutStarted CheckoutCheckout Pagen/a
Completed CheckoutCheckoutCompleted CheckoutOrder ID NumberPrice (integer)
Increase quantity of Product in CartCartIncreased Cart QuantityProduct Title1
Decrease quantity of Product in CartCartDecreased Cart QuantityProduct Title1
RefundOrdersRefundedOrder ID NumberPrice (integer)